There are NO hidden fees with Affordable Domains. All fees are displayed on the domain name page.
Save time from filling up the payment details every time you purchase, renew, and upgrade products. Simply add credits to your account one time,...
You can check your billing history, view invoices, print invoices, view statements, print statements and check your transactions by following these...
Sometimes things go wrong in the order or renewal process. In each and every situation we will investigate the matter and ensure that whatever...
We accept all major credit cards: Visa MasterCard American Express We also accept Paypal and Bank Transfer.
Most likely your auto renewal failed because your credit card will expire soon or your credit card information is no longer valid. To solve this...
Yes, we will send you reminder notices to the email on file when any of your domain names and services are due for renewal. We strongly recommend...
Yes, this will be emailed at the time of purchase to the email on file. The invoice will contain all the necessary information about the product...