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How to protect your domain name?

Today’s digital age opens up heaps of alternatives to typical procedures. Unfortunately, these digital alternatives are not limited to good cause, but also include the dirty works, such as compromising security of your online assets.

It is only imperative that you take simple precaution to protect your online assets, especially your domain name. Simply because DNS (Domain Name Server) settings control many of these assets including your email and website.

To avoid potential harm from vexed ex-employees, nasty competitors and web developers, implement caution by following these tips.

Check Registration

The simplest thing you can do is to check your current contact information. Make sure that every corresponding person is authorised and all information is correct and valid. To be sure you have the right information, refer to the table below.

  • Registrant Contact Information - The lawful owner (person or entity) of the domain name
  • Administration Contact Information - Authorised person to alter and transfer the domain name
  • Technical Contact Information - Contact person responsible for technical issues encountered by the domain name
  • Billing Contact Information - Individual responsible for the billing-related transactions

Change the contact information immediately if it’s outdated, invalid and incorrect.

Use Secure Email Account

Your email account will be the hub of your transactions. Any information in your inbox may be used to steal your domain name. Hence, use a secure email account. Free email address comes with limitation – often the easy target of hackers. Also, a secure email account is not without a strong password that is changed regularly. It should contain complex letters, numbers and symbols.

Lock Domain Name

The last thing you want is your domain name being transferred out of your account. Prevent illegal transfer by locking your domain through our Client Portal. This will also prohibit unauthorised deletion and modification.

Note Expiration Date

For your convenience, keep track of your domain name's expiration date. The last thing you want to happen is to forget to renew registration which may lead to additional work or worse, a new domain name owner. To maximize the delay of expiration and save time, you may directly renew for more than a year rather than once a year.

Buy Similar Domain Name

Keep the prying competitors away from your domain name. Invest in various domain extensions (, .nz, .kiwi, etc.), misspelled or closely spelled domains, plural word of your domain, and abbreviation of your domain, then redirect these to your website. It is common for competitors to register the said domains in desperate attempt to steal your traffic and use your brand's reputation.

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